
We have the world's largest network of 3D body scanners and 3D body scan dataset. Our team is leveraging this unique dataset to do some amazing things in fitness, apparel, and product customization.

Founded 2012
1-15 employees
  • Health Care Technology & Nursing
  • Headquarters address
    585 Broadway St
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    Fit3D is a fully vertically integrated 3D Body Scanning, Measurement, and Web Platform for digitized bodies. Fit3D has developed 3D body scanning hardware and software, the automated 3D scan processing pipeline, and a web platform to allow users to view their 3D scans, measurements, health risk assessments, and body changes over time.

    Fit3D is 10 people (but growing quickly) across many functional disciplines owning their respective domains. We have a wealth of experience across sales, software, data, and hardware all driving the growth of Fit3D.

    We have captured the largest dataset of 3D body scans and 3D body measurements that has ever existed and have some exciting things in store for users based on their digitized body.

    Tech stack

    Java, Spring, Mysql, AWS, Docker, React, Redux, Electron


    Health and wellness

    Insurance (Health)
    Insurance (Dental)
    Insurance (Vision)